If you don’t believe your auxiliary function is emerging, then look to your other functions. Do you see any evidence of your auxiliary type developing in you? (As you are approaching age 25, this is likely underway.) Detail two examples of this emergence (see text for examples).

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Due to his drug use of crack and heroin, Paul owed money to a drug dealer, Ricky. He was the abusive husband (later divorced) of Rita Bennett, as well as the father of Astor and Cody Bennett.
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Is your D (dominant) function apparent? B). (Singular pages in the works) Clone Hero currently has Guitar (Solo, Co-op tracks, and Rhythm), GH: Live Guitar (6 note), Bass, and 5 lane Keys instruments available to play. Paul Bennett is a character in the Showtime series DEXTER. Think about your childhood, the natural talents you exhibited, and how those talents/behaviors were received by others. Now, honestly reflect on how your were brought up.

In this Journal response, I ask you to reflect on two areas: YouTube celebrities are people or groups who are exponentially popular because of. Note this is not the same as a company controlled channel, for example. Unlike unregistered users, any YouTube channel has the capability to like, dislike, or comment on videos, subscribe to other channels, upload videos, etc. Chapter six, "Aged to Perfection," journeys the reader through Type development over time. A YouTuber is a term for a person who has an account on YouTube and creates content.